

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
1、网站内容(Website content) 浏览Internet,我们会发现,大多数中小企业网站栏目划分趋于一致:公司简介、产品/服务介绍、联系方式等,在版式设计上也基本上是上下分栏、左右分栏等方式,不会利用富于企业特点的图形或文字装饰网站,网站设计没有个性,如果说这样的网站没有取得预期的效果并不为怪。这似乎成了一种模式,设计公司可以以此为模板套在大多数企业的网站中,这相对而言还不重要,网站的内容安排才更重要。举例而言:网站在介绍产品或服务的时候,是否站在客户的角度去介绍了呢?客户会关心产品什么内容?产品或服务介绍在多大程度上能够打消客户的疑问?网站内容是否有亲和力,能够迅速拉近与客户的距离?我们说,企业建立自己的网站,除了宣传自己、展示自己,更重要的是如何为企业带来利润,通过网站,使更多的潜在客户变成实在的客户!因此,设计中心建议打算重新建设网站的企业仔细考虑网站内容的安排,同时你们有权利向设计公司咨询,他们有义务解释您的各种疑问,协助您重新对seo网站进行规划。 Browse the Internet, we will find that most small and medium-sized enterprise web column division to the agreement, company profile, product/service is introduced, the contact method and so on, in the format design also is basically the up and down points column, or so points column of the way, won't use abound of the characteristics of the enterprise graphics or text decoration web site design without individual character, if such a web site have not obtained the desired effect is not stands. This seems to be a pattern, design company can use as a template set in most enterprise web site, the relative is not important, the content on the website to arrange more important. For example: the site in the introduction of the product or service, standing in the point of view of the customer whether to introduce? The client will care about what content products? Product or service introduced in degree to reassure their queries? Website content is friendly, to be able to quickly close the distance with the customer? We said, the enterprise to build your own web site, in addition to publicize his, show their, more important is how to lead to the company profits, through a web site, make more potential customers become really customers! Therefore, design center suggest going to to the enterprise carefully consider the construction site of the site's content arrangement, and you have the right to design consulting company, they have an obligation to explain to all your questions, help you to perform site planning. 2、技术问题(Technical problems) 首先应该说明的是,我们并非鼓动企业在自己的网站中加大技术含量。实际上,最重要的是所使用的技术在多大程度上实现了预期的功能或者说网站所要的功能需要什么样的技术实现比较经济划算。而我们在与企业的接触中,常常碰到这种情况:网站中使用了先进的技术,当然进行了大笔的投资,但实际上所实现的功能通过其他方式,很低的投入就可以实现!但是企业并不了解这些。我们没有必要去探讨设计公司的好坏,我们想要说明的是企业在自己的网站建设中一定要尽量多了解些信息,多做些比较,同时要慎重审查他们所提交的网站设计方案。在此,设计中心提醒您,网站建设实际上并不是一个简单的工作,如何站在企业的角度去规划、营造一个实用的网站,投入与网站功能相配套的技术,需要您与设计公司或专业人员仔细探讨。 First should explain, we do not encourage enterprise in their site increased technical content. In fact, the most important is the use of technology in the extent of achieving the desired function or web site to function need what kind of technology to achieve more economical. And we in and enterprise in the contact of, often encounter this kind of situation: web site used advanced technology, of course, a lot of investment, but in fact the function of the realization of the other way, very low input can be achieved. But business is not to know this. We don't have to explore design company is good or bad, we think it's important to note that on his website construction enterprises must try to know more about some information, do more more, at the same time to carefully review their web site design submitted. In this, the design center to remind you that the website construction in fact is not a simple task, how to stand in the point of view of the enterprise to plan, build a practical website, input and site function of supporting the technology, need you and design company or professional discussed carefully. 3、设计问题(Design problems) 应该说,设计问题是目前国内网站存在的最普遍的问题,体现在网站结构、用色、栏目划分等等,在版式设计上也基本上是上下分栏、左右分栏等方式,网站不会利用富于企业特点的图形或文字进行装饰,网站设计没有个性。因此,仔细选择一个有设计实力的公司,是您在重新设计网站时很重要的工作。 Should say, design problem is the present domestic website of existence the most common problems, reflected in the website structure, coloring, columns division, and so on, in the format design also is basically the up and down or so points column and points column of the way, the website will not use abound enterprise characteristics graphics or text decoration, web design no personality. Therefore, carefully choose a design strength of the company, is you when the site is very important work. 4、交互问题(Interaction problems) 您的网站是否实现了与客户的交互,在多大程度上实现了这一功能,值得您仔细考虑,在我们接触的客户中,甚至有的客户抱怨:他的信箱至今还没有收到mail!经过我们的检查,是因为网站留言簿中有关信息提交的设置有问题!当然,这种交互还是很初级的,在高级一点的可以设置自己的BBS,即时回答客户的提问,收集客户信息。而随着目前网络服务费用的下降,您还可以建立自己的数据库,比如客户信息数据库、产品管理数据库等等,通过后台管理系统,自动实现网站的更新!新产品也可以即时发布到网站中去。这些功能是企业网站在更新中最重要的内容,同时也是网站真正能够发挥作用的重点所在! Your website is achieved with the customer interaction, realized the extent of this function, you deserve careful consideration, in our contact in the customer, even some customer complaint: his mailbox haven't received mail! After our check, because the message board web site about the information submitted to the setting of the have a problem! Of course, the interaction of the primary is still in a can set his senior the BBS, instant answer customer questions, collect customer information. But with the current network service costs down, you can build your own database, such as customer information database, product management database, and so on, through the background management system, the automatic realize the renewal of the website. New products can also immediately announced to the site. These functions is the enterprise web site in the update in the most important content, but also the role of real can site key! 当然了还有其他的问题,这里只是其中的几点,在长沙网站优化是一个长期的过程,不是一蹴而就的,所以贵在坚持。 Of course there are other problems, this is just one of the things, in changsha website optimization is a long-term process, is not achieved overnight, so is the persistence. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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